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Celebrities and Their Physical Defects

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
The roaming gaze of the Internet usually looks with approval upon Megan Fox, but today, at least according to Google, the web can only focus on one thing: she's got kinda stubby thumbs.

Check out 16 more such celebrities and their physical defects after the jump.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Actress Jennifer Garner has an overlapping pinky toe.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Actor Vince Vaughn lost the tip of his thumb in a car crash, when he was 17 years old.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Stephen Colbert has a weird looking ear due to an ear tumor he had when he was ten years old. He is also deaf in his right ear from the operation he had to remove the tumor.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Actor/Comedian Damon Wayans had a clubbed foot as a child.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
CSI actor Robert David Hall is missing both of his legs. In 1978, Hall had to have both of his legs amputated as a result of an accident in which an 18-wheeler truck crushed his car. The accident also caused the gasoline tank of the car to explode, causing burns over 65% of his body. He now comfortably uses prosthetic limbs, allowing for personal mobility.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Kate Bosworth, Jane Seymoour, Dan Aykroyd, Mila Kunis, Christopher Walken and Kiefer Sutherland all have Heterochromia Iridium which is a medical condition where an individual has different-colored eyes. Heterochromia is very rare in humans.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
DJ Paul's right arm is deformed into when he likes to call his "baby arm". Due to a disease he had when he was younger, his right arm just never grew. DJ Paul keeps his "baby arm" in a cast at all.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Actress and former host of Top Chef Padma Lakshmi has a large scar on her right arm which was the result of a car crash when she was fourteen years old. Her arm was shattered and her right hip was fractured. After surgery, she regained use of both of them but was left with a huge scar on her arm.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Weezer's Rivers Cuomo was born with his left leg 44 mm (1 3/4 in) shorter than his right leg. After the success of The Blue Album, Cuomo underwent a procedure to correct the condition. This involved the surgical breaking of the bone in his leg, followed by several months of wearing a steel brace which required self-administered "stretching" of the leg four times daily.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Bollywood's hottest actor Hrithik Roshan carries two thumbs on his right hand. The additional thumb is a small extension which curves inwards towards his main thumb.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Kate Hudson and Halle Berry are two of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, yet they have very strange feet. The two actresses have been photographed with what looks like a sixth toe.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
The scar between Joaquin Phoenix's lip and nose is obvious. It practically had second billing in Gladiator. It has long been thought that Joaquin was born with a cleft lip and the scar is the result of corrective surgery. This is not so. Rather, Joaquin was born with the scar. The scar developed while Joaquin was in his mother's stomach. It is known as a microform cleft, a mild form of a cleft lip

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
The scars that mark Nigerian born singer Seal have long been rumored to be the result of a tribal scarification rite. This is not the case. The extreme scarring on Seal's face and scalp are the result of a skin condition known as discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). Seal has revealed that he suffered from the condition as a teenager.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Mark Wahlberg embraces his third nipple, which often poses a problem for his bare-shirted film scenes. Lily Allen is proud of her third nipple and shows it on talk shows often. Tilda Swinton, who played the White Witch in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, said she was "proud" of her third nipple which she calls her "witch's mark" and used to threaten her brothers with it. Singer Carrie Underwood admitted she had her third nipple removed out of embarrassment.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Karolina Kurkova, a Victoria's Secret Angel, is perfect in every way, except she is missing a belly button. Her navel simply does not exist.Karolina's absent navel is the result of a childhood surgery gone wrong.

Celebrities and Their Physical Defects (17 images)
Denzel Washington broke his pinky finger on his right hand during a childhood basketball accident and never had it set correctly, resulting in the finger healing in a crooked position. The finger is still crooked to this day, bent at the bottom knuckle a full 45 degrees outward from his other fingers.