I have grilled Zambrano for years. There are few things as entertaining as a Zambrano blow-up; but, yesterday was not one of them.
What did Zambrano say yesterday (in a calm voice) that was so despicable. At worst, he may have called Marmol out- but I am not even sure he did that. (I am not nearly in love with Marmol as some seem to be lately. Hey- Marmol has sucked recently. Admit) He said "We suck. We are a AAA team." Really- suspend him now, when his trade value may be as high as it has been in two years? Really, are you kiding me? If he said "I am playing with a bunch of AAA players", then yeah, I agree- suspend and/or fine him. But David Haugh?!
There are a lot of problems on the Northside right now- and Zambrano is far done the list. Hendry, Quade, and Ricketts are much higher up the list.
Leave Zambano in the rotation. Another quality start and Hendry's phone should be ringing non-stop (now would Hendry know what to do when the phone rings- that's another very legitimate question!). Of course, there is a chance that Big Z would have another classic meltdown on the mound. Now, that would be entertaining. As opposed to yesterday, which was a boring post-game interview- nothing more!