So Coach, TZ and I spent Memorial Day weekend in the Twin Cities. Why would White Sox fans go up to visit Target Field? C'mon, Minnesota is not that bad. As Marshall from one of DGM 's (HM's oldest, temporarily re-named "Radioactive Girl") favorite shows, How I Met Your Mother, stated in trying to describe his home state to his New York fans: "New York in winter is like a spring day in Minnesota, except for all the taxis, skyscrapers and non-white people." That's about right. Except the people are nicer- much nicer- maybe too nice. And don't worry just because we are visiting from Chicago doesn't mean that we will steal. We may gun you down if you are out after midnight. TZ wondered if Minnesotans visit Chicago and New York are they allowed to jay-walk?
Flew into Terminal 2 and took the train or Light Rail into downtown. Good thing HM warned us about about the "bad neighborhoods" on the way, because us Chicagoans were terrified! Not nearly the speed of the el, but we quickly became expert passengers. Went to the wrong hotel. A quick lunch at Lyon's Pub (I think that's the name) where I had a Lyon's Lager-simply so that Coach wouldn't drink alone (there is a lot you can fault me with, but I am a pretty good friend) before our tour of Target Field. If your a Twins fan or just a baseball fan, recommend the tour. Just one suggestion. When viewing the Kirby Puckett exhibit, don't ask where the copies of his arrest records are exhibited. Then beers at Kienan's (sp?) followed by the train to the infamous Mall of America, where 70% of the people were dressed in Twins gear- with that number increasing as gametime drew nearer. Once we actually completed the obstacle course and reached the Hooters on the Fourth Floor, a couple more beers before the return train to Target Field.
HM compared Target Field to a newer version of the Cell- Fan Friendly especially for access to concessions. I would compare the crowd- especially the outfield crowd to Wrigley. Those young women in the outfield are not primarily there to watch the game. If you are a young man in minnesota, I would attend many a game at the Target Field outfield concourse. Plenty of sights if the weather is nice. Our seats were near the "Town Ball Bar" - so a few more beers. We saw a surprising good pitching game from Swarzak, a no-hitter into the 8th- and an extra inning game. A relaxing evening with cigars and beers (I guess I had several beers on Saturday) at the hotel patio before I fell asleep about 30 minutes into "The Adjustment Bureau." From what Coach and TZ told me, I didn't miss much by falling asleep.
Sunday was a treat as HM took us on a tour of Minny and St. Paul which included a surprise cameo appearance by RKG! Enjoyed the visit to the U and the football stadium. I could actually see myself coming up for a Gophers' football team and root for a Minnesota sports team (especially if they are playing the Illini!) . With some great tickets, we stopped at Target Field's Metropolitan Club (very comparable to the Cell's Stadium Club) before the game (if a client is paying, then yes, go). A visit to the HM Estate where we were treated to a relaxing dinner by AM and the company of Radioactive Girl (another female staying six feet away from me at all times!), PM, and comedy stylings of DM (her remark on TEG may have been the highlight of my trip). We will save the details of my basketball exploits at the HM Estate for a later date- much later!