There was a ton of sports to watch at the Kilt last night- two bowl games, Bulls v. Bucks (still don't know why the Bucks were wearing red unis with white trim- maybe to let asst. Coach Kelvin Sampson feel like he was still at Indiana?), Blackhawks, college hoops. However my attention was clearly on the Tuesday Night Football: Eagles v. Vikings (I won't call them the Viqueens today), especially after the loud Philly fan sat next to me (at least, he bought me a beer and left at halftime). Well, the big winners last night- Bears, with a guaranteed first round bye, Tom Brady (how could you vote for Vick as MVP after last night) and Joe Webb.
So, "Thank you, Vikings" and "Suck it Philly!" Eagles fans dismiss the loss to the Bears for a multitude of stupid reasons- I especially like the "we were on a roll, so we were due for a loss" excuse. What is the Eagles excuse for last night- too much time to prepare for Joe Webb! I am sure we will heat the "Vick was hurt" excuse. Was his hand hurt, because he sure couldn't hold on the ball. The Vikings won despite the fact that Leslie Frazier needs some serious lessons in how to use the "challenge rule." Form the Bears perspective, more important than the bye maybe that the Bears faced the possibility of facing the Packers in back to back weeks. Don't want to face the Packers in back to back week!
Thanks, Philly!